"I just wanted to let you know that I had my 10-week post-op check up with my consultant yesterday. (I had complex knee reconstruction.) He was very pleasantly surprised at my progress and thought I was nearer four months post op and not 10 weeks due to the amount of stability and movement I have managed to gain so quickly. Although not all down to Bikram Yoga, as I also have two physio sessions a week and four gym sessions, your classes have helped me enormously to gain strength, stability and movement in my left knee. I’ve still got a long way to go but I wanted to thank you for helping me achieve what I have to date."
Suzie O.
"Bikram Yoga has changed my life! I am an American who has recently moved to London and have been looking for ways to improve my well-being. It was hard moving to a foreign country, leaving all my friends and family. But Bikram Yoga has helped my stress levels and cleared my mind to be able to focus on what's important...living life to the fullest. I'm so glad I found Bikram. I am a better person now that I have this in my life. Thank you!"
Tiffany R.
"The yoga mat is a good place to turn when talk, therapy and antidepressants aren't enough!"
Matthew H.
"Bikram yoga is not helping only the New Year's resolution - but it can become a new life resolution… only if someone is determined to make it healthier and less stressful."
Orietta B.
"I enjoyed my class at your studio - I honestly found it to be one of the best Bikram studios I've ever been to."
Nikhil B.
"Bikram yoga removes the seed of negativity, carves a smiling face and puts a light inside of you for the whole world to see!"
Vicky G.
"The stress of the day seemingly melts away with every breath."
Megan W.
"Bikram Yoga brings out your inner master."
Zlatina S.
"I would like to thank you for the Bikram Yoga as I feel it is definitely one of the best things that have happened to me. Thanks to the person who conceptualized it as well as the whole team out there doing a great job. Well done guys!"
Payal M.